The Riverside Inn
was originally built as a summer residence by P.J. Harney as a summer home. It’s reincarnation as a lodging establishment was 1983 by Harney’s Grandson, Geoffrey Cotter and wife Anne. It's
location is across the street from the former East Branch House
on the banks of the East Branch River. More recently
(2017) it is owned and operated by Ken Lydecker of the Red
Jacket Hotel fame. (The Red Jacket is in North Conway and
Ken was it's manager for many years).
Click the picture for a large size.

recently received the following inquiry from our website:
If YOU have additional information both your Historical Society and the
Henry Ford Museum would be interested in your input.
I work for the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. In our
collection is a Concord coach made in 1891 for the Pitman brothers, who
owned the East Branch House hotel in Lower Bartlett. Do you have any
images (or information) in your collection of this hotel or coach?
Whatever information you can supply will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Jeanine Miller
Lodging Intervale Pg 5 -The East Branch House
The material for this page was taken from "The Latchstring Was Always
Out" by Aileen M. Carroll - Published by Peter E. Randall for The
Bartlett Public Library 1994
The Henry Ford Museum has the Concord Coach that was ordered new from
the Concord Coach Company here in New Hampshire in 1891 by the Pitman
brothers who owned the East Branch House.
Concord Stagecoach
One of the most significant horse-drawn vehicles developed in America is the
famous Concord coach, first built in the late 1820s in Concord, New
Hampshire. The sturdy suspension system was well suited to travel on rugged
terrain. Its strength, durability and comfort established the company's
reputation and the vehicles were shipped to all parts of the U.S. and abroad
with an average price of $1000.
Just over the bridge spanning the East Branch was the
East Branch House.
It was established about 1870 and was substantially larger than the other
Intervale Hotels with a capacity of 125. Its rates were comparable to
its rivals at $7. to $10.50 per week. Its guests could actually hear
the sound of the stream from their bedroom windows.
Its owners were two brothers,
William and Winthrop M. Pitman, great
grandsons of Joseph and Alice (Pendexter) Pitman. Having grown-up in
Intervale they were no strangers to the Hotel business as many of their
ancestors and relatives were also Innkeepers in the Intervale area.
The Pitman name was evident in Bartlett's history from the very beginning.
The Hotel they built and operated was a great success with a loyal
In 1898 the hotel burned in what was described as an awesome spectacle to
those viewing it.
There is more information on the Intervale Hotels and the various
generations of Pitman's in the book cited at the top of this page, "The
Latchstring Was Always Out".