Historic Limmer Boot Company Summer 2007
The land has accommodated several buildings
throughout the years; the property has been home to a country store, a gift shop, a gas station and a cabin court. ![]() Throughout its history the carriage house, grain room, stable and cattle barn survived. A portion of this property is the converted tabernacle which was rescued by Tasker from Intervale Park, a religious community established at the base of Bartlett Mountain. ![]()
Limmer's has been located in Intervale since the early 1950s. At the request of the Bartlett Historical Society, the Limmer family graciously agreed to open their historic property on Route 16A, Intervale for a tour on Saturday, July 7, 2007.
"Limmer's" are known world-wide as master boot makers. Their manufacturing business, now being perated by the third
![]() built the original Fairview Cottage in 1854 to accommodate travelers, but it was destroyed by fire.Another version was built and it was also destroyed by fire. The Tasker family moved into a cottage on their property. They later enlarged that building and it was known as Mountain Vale Inn.
Visitors enjoyed the various stories of life in Intervale from Marianne Limmer, who moved
first to Massachusetts as a young bride from Germany, as had the Limmer family. She told of the dance hall's dilapidated condition when they moved to Intervale, which was transformed into the thriving boot company. Marianne's son father's and grandfather's craft,took time out of his busy workday to present a display of historic photos and memorabilia of the various incarnations of the property. and stories of the dancing and big bands of the 1930s and 40s. The Society is tremendously grateful to the Limmers for welcoming us into their property for a reminiscence of an earlier era and a truly historic building.
In the 1930s the barn was converted to a dance hall, known as Intervale Playgrounds and later as
Harmony Acres. The dance hall floor and stage still exist. Many in Bartlett still recall those Saturday night dances, including BHS member Dan Dinsmore, who came down from Dundee to join the tour.
Bits & Pieces
State Of New Hampshire.
In Board Of Railroad Commissioners.
Concord, N. H., December 3, 1906.
Investigation at Lancaster, October 2, 1906.
Witnesses: Frank V. Campbell, freight conductor, Portland, Me.; William P. Hodge, brakeman, Lancaster, N. H.;
George L. Knight, car inspector, Bartlett, N. H.
A man about thirty years of age, giving his name as Oscar Brown, and claiming that his home was in Haverhill, Mass., was fatally injured by falling from a freight train, upon which he was stealing a ride, near Sawyer's River, a station in Hart's Location on the Maine Central Railroad, September 20, 1906. Freight train No. 176, running between Portland and Lancaster, left the former city September 19 on schedule time in charge of
Conductor Frank V. Campbell. When the train reached West Baldwin, Me., a station thirty-three miles out of Portland, two sheriffs boarded the train in search of three men, wanted for breaking and entering the Bridgton postoffice, who, it was claimed, had been seen about the station a few minutes before the arrival of the train. A thorough examination of the train was made, but the men in some way eluded the officers at this point. When the train reached Fryeburg, Brakeman Hodge discovered three men stealing a ride, who answered the descriptions given by the officers. Upon the arrival of the train at Bartlett at 1.55 A. M., Car Inspector
George L. Knight, who
was also a constable, was informed of the facts, and he at once began to lay plans to arrest the men on suspicion. The train did not leave Bartlett until 2.40 A. M., and although diligent search was made while the train remained here, the suspicions characters under the cover of darkness managed to escape the viligant constable.
When the freight pulled out of Bartlett, the constable, with assistants, boarded it, and at once began a thorough search, which resulted in locating this man Brown riding on a flat car loaded with granite. The engineer had made the first application of the brake as the train approached
Sawyer's River station, when Brown apparently apprehended that he was being surrounded by the officers and his assistants and attempted to escape by jumping. According to the testimony of those nearest to him, he placed one hand on the flat car upon which he was riding and with the other hand tried to seize hold of the next car, which was a box car, and missing his hold fell between the cars. Both legs and one arm were cut off. Medical aid was summoned and everything possible was done to relieve the suffering of the injured man. He was tenderly placed in a special train, which had been sent up from Bartlett, and was being taken to a hospital, but died before reaching it. His death occurred about four hours after the accident. No man can be chargeable with this fatality except the unfortunate man who was killed, and he was the
victim of his own follv.
For the Board.