July 4th 2007
After Karen Cleveland  had coiffed Patti Lord's hair, Patti touches up Jean's kitchen, as the breakfast Jean had set out. Patti is dressed in a late 1910s outfit, while Nancy is ready for a 1930s garden party. |
Shirley waits patiently as Kathi gives Bob operational instructions, passed on to her by Bob's dad. Bob Shirley waits patiently as Kathi Jr. had arrived. Bob Sr. is Bobby gives Bob operational instructions, Shirley waits patiently as Kathi passed on to her by Bob's dad. Bob Holmes' trusted mechanic, and he
BHS members Bob & Kathi McGraw, dressed as a 1920s couple, join Patti Lord, Shirley Jean Ainsworth's home before lining up for the parade.
We're all very impressed that Bob, even with four women running over any small children or rear-ending the float in front of us.
Kathi, Nancy and Patti are settled in to their wicker chairs and ready to go! |
monster tractor bearing down on him, Bob remains cool and calm, while encouraging Shirley to keep throwing that candy to the kids. |
Even though there were only two float entries, we prefer to call it "second place" as opposed to "last place". Thanks to everyone for helping the Society earn the $100 prize, Society also had the Days Before Yesterday quilt displayed (seen behind Kathi's parasol), with President Bert George
With a lot of help from our friends, the Society "made the picture, showing the 1932 Ford truck we decorated and traveled down Route 302 on July 4. Bobby Holmes antique truck, with a cargo full of ladies dressed in the eras of 1900-1930s. Following are pictures of a great day, taken by our "parade day organizer", BHS member Jean Ainsworth.